Saturday, January 31, 2009

Spider + Wasp

Imagine this: You're relaxing on a fine, if overly warm, Saturday morning. Out of the corner of your eye you see something tentacled crawling up the brick wall of your house.

You stop relaxing.

You turn your head and take a better look. No tentacles. Just the dangling legs of a large, limp Huntsman Spider in the determined grip of a dangerously coloured insect inching its way, backwards, up the brick wall with a load far larger than itself does not bode well.

Something (your spider sense perhaps?) tingles.

It drops the spider a couple of times, and buzzed with enviable determination to what surely must be its feast. Over many barriers this vibrant beastie carries its load, only to leave it stashed behind the dense Hibiscus bush before mysteriously buzzing off.

After witnessing this event, we hit up Google for the answers. Were we being invaded by killer wasps? Did we need to call the exterminator and hide under mosquito netting?

The Spider Wasp, though occasionally prone to klepto-parasitism, however is of no particular danger to humans (except maybe Spider-Man).

For more information about this very cool insect (and a mug shot) click here: Australian Museum Fact Sheet

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